What to Do If DVR/NVR Show "No signal" - NVR IPCAMERA SECURITY
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What to Do If DVR/NVR Show “No signal”

After you connect the DVR/NVR to a monitor/display/TV, it shows no signal or just black and blank on the monitor(Attached picture for your reference), you can do some troubleshooting to find out the problem.





There are several possible causes of your DVR/NVR that do not show its setting panel. You may follow the troubleshooting tips listed below to solve the problem.


Cause 1: The DVR/NVR Power adapter is insufficient or cannot be powered normally

Solution: Please use another power adapter with the same voltage to have a try. Even the power light is on, please also change the power adapter.


Cause2: The HDMI/VGA connection may have some problem

Solution: If you use the HDMI port on DVR  and to connect DVR to a monitor/display/TV, please try the VGA port on DVR and use the . If you use a VGA connection, please try the HDMI connection. Also, please use another HDMI/VGA cable to have a try.


Cause 3: The monitor/display/TV may have some problem or it is not compatible with DVR/NVR

Solution: If possible, please use another monitor/display/TV to have a try.



Cause 4: The resolution of DVR/NVR is higher than the monitor/display/TV

Solution: Please use SADPTool to search the DVR/NVR and change its resolution on the computer.  change the display resolution of DVR/NVR via computer?


Cause 5: The Hard Disk Drive(HDD) maybe has some problem

Solution: If you have installed a hard disk drive(HDD) on DVR/NVR, please uninstall the HDD to have a try. How to install a hard disk drive(HDD)?


Cause 6: The cable may have some problem

Solution: Please do not connect the to the DVR/NVR. Also, please do not connect any cameras. Just connect the DVR/NVR to a power adapter and monitor/display/TV.


Cause 7: The DVR/NVR is defective.

Solution: Please provide your relevant purchase information or order information to us in the form of an attachment so that we can provide better help.

How to Change Display Resolution of System via Computer when here is All Black on the Monitor?

Purpose: This instruction is used to change the resolution when there is no output from the DVR/NVR, which might be caused you changed the output resolution of the system accidentally.


Here are the steps for you:

  1. Firstly, please connect your DVR/NVR to your home router with an ethernet cable directly.
  2. Then, you need to connect your computer to the same router with the DVR wired or wirelessly.
  3. Please download this search tool SADP on your computer to search the IP of your DVR/NVR.
    For : https://download.annke.com/document/Computer_Software/SADPToolV3.0.3.3.zip
    For MacBook: https://download.annke.com/document/Computer_Software/SADPTool.pkg.zip
  4. After download it, you can click refresh to search the IP of DVR/NVR. You will get the IP of your DVR/NVR.


  5. Please input the system IP address into the IE browser. The user name is and the is your system‘s password.


  6. When you log in, please go to Configuration–System–System –Menu Output, and you can change the VGA/HDMI resolution, you can try all of these resolutions that have been listed. Then your system will reboot and get the output.


About the author


Hello, I live in Salih Turkey. I serve in dvr, nvr, security and surveillance industry. Write to me for any comments and suggestions ..


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