Where to Find the Serial Number and QR Code of Your Device?
#1. Find the Serial Number and NAT Status
#2. Find the QR Code
#1. Find the Serial Number
There are two methods to find your serial number.
Step 1. Connect your DVR to a monitor. Click the right button of your mouse and enter the Main Menu on the monitor.
Step 2. Select Info.
Step 3. Click Version. You’ll find the serial number and NAT status of your DVR.
Method 2
On the premise that you haven’t connected the DVR to a monitor, and you are unable to log in the system, please see the instructions below to find your serial number.
Step 1. Connect the DVR to a router via an Ethernet cable.
Step 2. Get a computer which has been connected to the same router.
Step 3. Install the software DeviceManage into your computer.
Step 4. Turn on the software, and check if the software can detect the system’s serial number (see the picture below).
Please search Xmeye in google play or apple store and install it into your phone.
Here are steps to use the App Xmeye to connect the recorder. The method is for both the local view and remote view because they are totally the same.
Download and install the application Xmeye to your mobile/tablet. This can be found by searching Xmeye in either the App Store for iOS or Google Play store for Android. Or you can refer to this to download the Xmeye application.
Xmeye app for android download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobile.myeye
Xmeye app for iPhone&iPad download: https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/xmeye/id884006786?mt=8
Step 1: Tap local login
Step 2: Add device
Click plus button at the top right to add the camera.
Step 3: Input system information
a. The name can be anything.
b. You can find S/N(ID) on the monitor. Please notice the S/N on the label of the recorder is not the ID used to connect and view.
Here is a method to find the serial number.
c. The default password is none.
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