Dahua Video Intercom GEN3 Setup Guide - NVR IPCAMERA SECURITY
Guide How To Intercom

Dahua Video Intercom GEN3 Setup Guide

Dahua Video Intercom GEN3 Setup Guide
Dahua Video Intercom GEN3 Setup Guide

Dahua Video Intercom GEN3 The One-Key Config is only available on a few VTHs. Please check the list below to see what models are compatible.


Q: Which model of VTO (Outdoor Station) can work stand-alone and make a call notification to DMSS when call button is pressed?

A: DHI-VTO22202F-P, VTO2000A-S, VTO-2000A-2-S, VTO2111D-WP-S, VTO2000A, VTO2000A-2

Q: Can Apartment outdoor station (VTO1210C-X and VTO1210C-X-S and DHI-VTO4202F) work with DMSS App?

A: Yes, but it requires License for firmware customization. Please reach out to your local Sales Rep or Technical Consultant.

Q: How do I access device config page in VTH (indoor monitor) device?

A: From the homepage, press and hold Settings button for 6 seconds.

Q: What the difference between Transmission 1 and Transmission 2 on the settings?

A: Mode 1: Multicast (multicast). The default is mode 1. Using multicast in a multicast network environment, the effect is best at this time
Mode 2: Unicast (TCP), If the router does not support multicast, the group call will have a black screen on VTH, then you can switch to unicast mode. In addition, if the network is particularly poor, you can also use this mode, because TCP has a retransmission mechanism to avoid frame loss.

How To Reset VTH Password via Computer


This guide will show you how to of a VTH over a local network using VDP Config.

PLEASE NOTE: These instructions can not be completed without assistance from Dahua Technical Support. Please contact Dahua Technical Support via one of the methods HEREonce you have completed Step 9



1. Open DahuaToolbox and click Open next to VDPConfig

Upgrade Firmware - VDPConfig - 1.jpg

2. Discover the device in VDPConfig – How To Discover A Device Using VDPConfig

Modify IP - VDPConfig - 1.jpg

3. Select System Settings section

VTH Password Reset XML - 1.jpg

4. Click Device Password

VTH Password Reset XML - 2.jpg

5. Select the device(s) you wish to reset the password for on the left using the checkbox

VTH Password Reset XML - 3.jpg

6. Click Reset Password

VTH Password Reset XML - 4.jpg

7. Confirm the prompt

VTH Password Reset XML - 5.jpg

8. Use the dropdown box next to Reset Mode to select XML File

VTH Password Reset XML - 6.jpg

The default Export Path will be displayed where the XML will be saved. Click BrowsePath to modify this location.

Click Next to proceed

VTH Password Reset XML - 7.jpg

A prompt will confirm a successful reset and generation of the XML file.

VTH Password Reset XML - 8.jpg

PLEASE NOTE: The next steps require the assistance of Dahua Technical Support to complete the process. Please contact Dahua Technical Support via one of the methods once you have generated an XML file HERE

9. Navigate to the location where the XML file was exported to. default file name is ExportFile.xml

VTH Password Reset XML - 9.jpg

10. Send the exported xml file as an attachment to the email address: support_rpwd@dahuatech.com

Then 2 or 3 minutes later, you will receive an email with the attached XML file

VTH Password Reset XML - 10.jpg

Save the results.XML file to the computer

11. In VDPConfig at the Reset Password interface click Open

VTH Password Reset XML - 11.jpg

12. Select the results.xml file click Open

VTH Password Reset XML - 12.jpg

13. Click Next

VTH Password Reset XML - 13.jpg

14. Once the reset is successful it will prompt to create a new password for the device.

Enter the new password and again to confirm

Click Complete

VTH Password Reset XML - 14.jpg

A green checkmark next to the device will confirm a successful password reset

VTH Password Reset XML - 15.jpg

How to Initialize Video Intercom using Configtool


Initializing our Video intercom with Configtool simplifies and streamlines the process.

Configtool now handles the initialization phase and any IP address changes that need to be made. You no longer need to manually initialize our VDP devices manually

You can only Initialize the same type of Intercom at one time due to the password requirements

  • VTHs requires a 6 character password (Numerical only)
  • VTOs requires an 8 character password (Alpha Numerical combination)


1. Configtool

2. Gen 3 Video Intercom devices

3. PC

Video Instructions

Read More : How To Dahua Video Intercom All Methods

Step by Step Instructions

1. Check the VTOs that you want to initialize and click on Initialize

Note:You can only Initialize the same type of Intercom at one time due to the password requirements

How to initialize Video Intercom using Configtool-1.png

2. Click on Initialize

How to initialize Video Intercom using Configtool-2.png

3. VTOs require at least an 8 character Alpa-Numeric password. Be sure to enter an email as this will be your method resetting the password if forgotten or lost. Click on Next to proceed

How to initialize Video Intercom using Configtool-3.png

4. The green check marks will indicate that the devices have been successfully initialized. Click on Finish to complete the VTO initialization.

How to initialize Video Intercom using Configtool-4.png

5. Select the VTHs you want to initialize and click on Initialize

Note:You can only Initialize the same type of Intercom at one time due to the password requirements

How to initialize Video Intercom using Configtool-5.png

6. Click on Initialize

How to initialize Video Intercom using Configtool-6.png

7. Enter a 6 Character Numerical password and an email as this will be your method to reset the password if forgotten or lost.

How to initialize Video Intercom using Configtool-7.png

8. Green check marks indicates it was successfully initialized. Click on Finish to finalize the initialization.

How to initialize Video Intercom using Configtool-8.png

Changing IP Addresses

Once devices are initialized you may want to change their IP Addresses to be on the same IP Scheme

1. To do that go to Search Setting

How to initialize Video Intercom using Configtool-9.png

2. Enter the credentials if the device you want to modify and click on OK

How to initialize Video Intercom using Configtool-10.png

3. The device list will refresh. Click on Edit for the device you want to edit

How to initialize Video Intercom using Configtool-11.png

4. Enter the desired IP Address then click on OK to finalize

How to initialize Video Intercom using Configtool-12.png

5. The green check mark will indicate that the IP address change was successful.

How to initialize Video Intercom using Configtool-13.png

How to Setup and program Modules on DHI-VTO4202F-P-S2


This guide will go over the wiring and programming of the modular accessories for our DHI-VTO4202F-P-S2

The only programmable Module in our product line is the Five-Button Call Panel.


Video Instructions

Step By Step Instructions

Physical Wiring of the Modules

You will always start at the DHI-VTO4202F-P-S2 OUT, then go to the next module on the IN port. Continue this pattern for the rest of the Modules.

VDP Module Wiring.png

Programming the Modules

1. Go to the DHI-VTO4202F-P-S2 WEBUI

How to Setup and program Modules on DHI-VTO4202F-P-S2-1.png

2. Login to the VTO

How to Setup and program Modules on DHI-VTO4202F-P-S2-2.png

3. Go to Local Settings

How to Setup and program Modules on DHI-VTO4202F-P-S2-3.png

4. Click on the next available entry under Facade Layout

How to Setup and program Modules on DHI-VTO4202F-P-S2-4.png

5. Select the Modules in the order you have them Physically wired

How to Setup and program Modules on DHI-VTO4202F-P-S2-5.png

6. If you have multiple modules select the next empty slot. The order is labeled on the image below

How to Setup and program Modules on DHI-VTO4202F-P-S2-6.png

7. The modules will populate once added

How to Setup and program Modules on DHI-VTO4202F-P-S2-7.png

8. To program the Five-Button Call Panel select the empty box

How to Setup and program Modules on DHI-VTO4202F-P-S2-8.png

9. Pick the Room Number you’d like to link it to

How to Setup and program Modules on DHI-VTO4202F-P-S2-9.png

10. Select the next box if you have several Rooms you’d like to link

How to Setup and program Modules on DHI-VTO4202F-P-S2-10.png

11. Select the second room number

How to Setup and program Modules on DHI-VTO4202F-P-S2-11.png

12. In order to save the programming you need to click on Confirm

How to Setup and program Modules on DHI-VTO4202F-P-S2-12.png

How to Forward calls to DSS Pro Client=


This guide will go over the forwarding options for DSS Pro Client.

Each user created in DSS Pro will have its own unique Center Management number. Locate that number before


Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

1. Open DSS Pro Client and go to Video Intercom

How to Forward calls to DSS Pro Client-1.png

2. Go to Call Management

How to Forward calls to DSS Pro Client-2.png

3. Navigate over to Management Group Config

How to Forward calls to DSS Pro Client-3.png

4. Select the User the Devices are setup with. In this guide we are using the “system” user. We will be using that number for forwarding the calls to the client.

How to Forward calls to DSS Pro Client-4.png

5. Go to the VTH touch screen and enter the basic settings by tapping Setting

How to Forward calls to DSS Pro Client-5.png

6. Go to Forward

How to Forward calls to DSS Pro Client-6.png

7. Enter the number we located on step 4 and enable the status.

Forward Options
Always = Sends the call directly to DSS Pro Client and Bypasses the VTH
Busy = Manually rejecting the call on the VTH will send the call to DSS Pro Client
No Answer = If call is not answered on VTH, the call will be transferred to DSS Pro Client

How to Forward calls to DSS Pro Client-7.png

8. The calls will now be forwarded to DSS Pro Client

How to Forward calls to DSS Pro Client-8.png

Video Intercom/SIP 2.0/How To Call DMSS

About the author


Hello, I live in Salih Turkey. I serve in dvr, nvr, security and surveillance industry. Write to me for any comments and suggestions ..

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